Saturday, February 28, 2009


Isaac and I watched Valkyrie last night at the discount theater in Plano, and it was awesome. Nice change from the chick flicks we've been seeing recently. Tom Cruise was better then he usually is (I'm not usually a fan), and from our research afterwards we figure that the movie stayed with the true story. Still, most people (us included) don't know the details of the story so you're still on the edge of your seat the whole time.

It is just SO crazy how many attempts there were on Hitler's life. As a viewer you just shake your internal fist at the screen and at God. WHY didn't those attempts succeed? Even this late attempt was 9 months before the allies took over, but those 9 months would have saved the lives of people like Anne Frank!


In any case, it is questions like that that make WWII movies so riveting. This movie is quality and I think it'd be good for teens as long as they don't scare too easily. It is intense but not TOO violent and pretty clean otherwise. Good history as well.

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